Variables |
Description |
Branch key |
the current branch key the train wagons are on, To set a branch key for the train's wagons, select the branch from your scene view and click on  |
Distance |
in case you want the wagons to be placed with equal distance from each other then use this instead of going through each wagon distance individually |
Variables |
Description |
Speed |
The speed of the train. |
Full Speed Time |
The time it takes the train to reach full speed. this is used to create a smooth animation at the start and at the end of the train animation. |
Train animation type |
“ Random ” move your train with a defined speed along the spline. branch picking decision is made randomly at intersection “Keyboard ” move your train using keyboard. branch picking decision is made based on direction keyboard inputs |
Brake Force |
"Keyboard animation type only", brake force applied to train when using brakes. |
Variables |
Description |
Event Name |
Editable text field to customize your event name |
Type |
the type of event you want to use, there are 5 events , Custom, On Awake, On Move, IDLE, On Key Pressed |
Trigger events based on the current branch of the Train head.
Variables |
Description |
Branch fork type |
The branch fork type you want as a condition for the events scheduled bellow to trigger there are 3 options available Both:No matter what branch fork the train head is on, events scheduled will be triggered once train head is on the defined branchbeginning: Events scheduled will be triggered once train head is on the beginning of the branch defined. end: Events scheduled will be triggered once train head is on the end of the branch defined. |
branch key |
The branch key of the branch that the scheduled events will trigger once the train head is on. |
Events |
the events scheduled to be triggered once one of the conditions on top is met |
Triggered once the game starts,
Variables |
Description |
Delay time |
The delay time of triggering the OnAwake events listed bellow |
OnAwake Events |
Events you want to trigger once you start the game. |
Triggered once train starts moving after stoping.
Variables |
Description |
OnMove Events |
Events you want to trigger when follower starts moving |
Triggered once train stops moving.
Variables |
Description |
IDLE Events |
Events you want to trigger when follower stops moving |
Triggered once a defined key is pressed.
Variables |
Description |
Key |
The key code you want to press to trigger the OnPressed events listed bellow. |
OnPressed Events |
Events you want to trigger once the key set on top is pressed. |